Volunteer With Us

So you want to be a L’Arche Boston North Volunteer?

This must be the place

L’Arche Boston North is a community in which adults with and without
intellectual disabilities share life together. In our community, volunteers support the daily rhythm of life of core members (adults with intellectual disabilities) and assistants (direct support professionals) in family-style homes in Haverhill and Merrimac, MA. Volunteers commit to relationships centered on mutuality and respect and maintain a life-giving environment alongside core members and assistants.

Invited to a Journey of Transformation

The emphasis on relationships in L’Arche makes the volunteer role not merely a charitable act, but a life-touching experience.

Volunteers are generally asked to share time with core members and assistants on a consistent and on-going basis to foster authentic friendship. Volunteers can provide home life support alongside our core members…but most importantly, “with and not for” is our motto when it comes to helping people maintain life skills and independence!
When they first come to L’Arche, volunteers are invited to have an open mind and heart, being present and getting to know people so they can get to know you!

Volunteer Roles

As a volunteer with L’Arche there are many ways we invite you to share your time with us

Kitchen Volunteer

Assist with culinary vocational training in our professional kitchen by supporting trainees to prepare meals and hummus for purchase.

Guest Chef

Prepare dinner for one of the homes (5-8 people). Volunteer will receive house specific training on nutrition and food preparation. Guest chefs then stay to share dinner with the home and help clean up.

Dog Walking

We have many dog-lovers in our community. If you have your own dog and would like a friend to walk your dog with, that’s great! Dogs are also welcome in some of our homes to visit Core Members with limited mobility.

Arts and Crafts

If you enjoy painting, drawing, coloring, jewelry making, or other kinds of arts and crafts, you are in good company! Plan an activity to do with our Core Members. (Basic art supplies are available in most homes; more specific materials can be purchased if a list is supplied in advance.)


You may not have the time to visit us frequently, but would you like to introduce your friends to our community throughout the year? We invite you to bring your friends to our home for one of our house tours or events. You could even host a presentation with your church or at your workplace, and we could come with you to share L’Arche!

An Afternoon With

This is an invitation to just come hang out with the members of one of our homes and to participate in the activities of the home as they are happening. Mostly, this is an opportunity to just come and “be with” us in L’Arche. This could mean watching television with a core member or helping with dinner.

Game Player

If you love playing games like Uno or Go Fish, then we have some fierce competitors for you. Join one of our homes for games and then dinner (or dinner and then games).

Out on the Town

Join one of the core members in going out into the community: to the library, out for coffee or a beer, or even just for a walk.

Church Companion

Join one of the core members at his or her church and help L’Arche continue to connect in different faith communities.

Yard Work

Enjoy the sunshine while pulling weeds, raking leaves, mowing and helping outside our homes. Tools provided.

Exercise Buddy

We are always looking for ways to have fun exercising! Use your skills to help us stay healthy in the home or at the gym!

How to Volunteer

To volunteer at L’Arche Boston North, please send an email to office@larchebostonnorth.org with your areas of interest and availability for volunteering.

Due to state regulations for the protection of vulnerable persons, volunteers will need to complete a CORI background check. L’Arche Boston North also asks that volunteers attend an initial orientation before beginning to volunteer in our homes or culinary program.